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Tuesday, July 7, 2020


If you are runing CSC Center, then you must have also seen this new rule of CSC. CSC has just released a new update which makes it mandatory for all VLE brothers to register IRCTC.

If you are also a CSC VLE, ​​then you will also have to follow this process and register yourself as an IRCTC Agent. If you do not do this then you will be instructed to take any appropriate action on behalf of CSC. CSC has announced this.

But he has not told about any such thing that if any Ali does not do this then what will be done to him but CSC has said so much that it is mandatory for all VLEs to apply to become CSC IRCTC Agent, so let's know How to apply for a csc IRCTC agent from someone like this and what are the things to be kept in mind for this.

CSC IRCTC Agent Application Rules

1. Enter the mobile number you have never used in IRCTC.
2. Enter every email ID you have never used in IRCTC.
3. PAN card should not be registered with IRCTC with personal user ID.
4. Attached documents should be scanned clearly/visually.

Document Required For IRCTC Agent ID

  • Aadhar Card
  • New Email ID
  • New Mobile Number
  • CSC Center Address Proof


It is mandatory to register for CSC IRCTC Agent. To register with IRCTC: Select IRCTC service for logon registration on Digital Service Portal.

After clicking on CSC IRCTC Agent Registration, a new window will be opened on your screen where you have to select the login with Digital Service Connect.

After selecting the digital service a new window will be opened where you will have to enter the digital user ID and password again in the digital service portal.

After entering your user ID and password, a new window will be opened where you have to select the CSC IRCTC Agent Registration Form.

Click on VLE registration form, the form will be opened where you will have to give all the necessary information required.

For example, in this form, you have to enter your father's name, date of birth, gender, PAN card number, Aadhaar number, mobile number, email ID, state, district, PIN code, and your full address and upload your documents on the submit button Have to click.

A receipt will be generated after successful registration of VLE, ​​you have to keep it to know the status of your registration.

Dear VLE, ​​after successful registration, you have to wait for 15 to 20 days after which CSC will send you the user ID and password of IRCTC on the email ID given by you so that you can login and activate your user ID for the first time. After successful activation of your user ID, you can use it, now you have become a successful CSC VLE Agent.

  • Process For Downloading the Certificate of IRCTC: Click here




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